P.O. BOX 5520, Newbury, Berks. RG14 7YW.
Tel: 01635 45544 Fax: 01635 45545 24 hr info: 01635 550552
E-mail: info@battle3.demon.co.uk URL: http://www.gn.apc.org/newbury
Immediate release Saturday 4 January 1997
Photo Opportunity
A walk starting from the Solsbury Hill - Batheaston Bypass road scheme to the route of the Newbury Bypass will begin at the Little Solsbury Hill Fort, near the A4 Batheaston Bypass , on Monday 6th January 1997. Well wishers will assemble from 8.00 am. for a 8.30 am. start when Keith Dukeson, environmental campaigner and Newbury Bypass veteran will leave. Keith will take with him a sod of earth to symbolise the solidarity between similar environmental campaigns - the Newbury Bypass and the Batheaston Bypass. The walk covering 55 miles in three days will arrive on Wednesday 8th January to coincide with the anniversary of the attempted start of clearance work on the route of the Newbury Bypass.
Keith initially became active in the Newbury Bypass campaign as a Legal Observer - taking notes of events which could later be used as legal evidence. The presence of Legal Observers can often reduce aggression and avoid violence in confrontational situations weather by security guards, bailiffs, police or protestors. Keith soon felt so moved by the destruction he saw that he himself became a protester.
Keith Dukeson said
Editors Notes
For further information about the walk call Keith Dukeson
There will be a anniversary Reunion Rally at Newbury on Saturday 11th January. For further details and a chronology of the events at Newbury including security costs, arrests, etc.
Newbury Bypass protestors will be attending the Extordinary General Meeting of Costain (the financially troubled company building the Newbury Bypass) on Monday 6th. For futher details contact