I arrived at 10 am and I saw security going through the ground camp
which consisted of a bender, 4-5 tents, campfire with a rain shelter. I
saw them pick it up, carry it to the edge of the site and drop it on the
ground. They were very destructive in the way that they removed the camp.
I went to complain to the senior officer on site who happened to be Chief
Inspector Lawrence from Hampshire. I explained that there were no possession
orders for the land to another officer and he said that the contractors
were wrong to evict if there were people in the camp. (there happened to
be 5 people forcefully removed from the camp). I later pointed out to Officer
Lawrence that they were going through treehouses throwing our stuff out
and then cutting down the trees. He told me "I know it's wrong, and they
know it's wrong, but their legal advisor says it's ok, so it's between
you, the security, and the contractors". Also, a lot of my personal belongings
disappeared when I got to my old home.